

Our Services

Tree Pruning

Proper pruning can eliminate many hazardous situations and also promote healthy growth in the life of a tree. Many species require only minimal pruning over the course of their lifetime while others require specific and careful manicuring to be full and healthy. A professional tree care service such as the specialists at Aerial Tree Service will be able to assess and correctly prune your trees to keep them happy and your areas safe.


Having a dead or dying tree in your yard can be a significant hazard to people, vehicles and homes nearby. Dry dead trees can also be a fire hazard and spread disease and harm to the other plants in the area. For these reasons and more, it is important to have these trees removed safely and promptly. At Aerial Tree Service, we work efficiently and cost effectively to remove dead and leave your yard to continue to flourish for years to come.

A dying and decaying forest is unsightly as well as dangerous. Trees should provide our atmosphere with healthy air. Decaying forest take a great deal of oxygen from the air. Having all limbs and dead and dying trees removed and chipped makes more sense to the environment. Trees provide wood for building homes, paper products and chips help to be more environmentally conscious. It has been proven chips breakdown more easily thus taking less oxygen from our atmosphere, chips also keep weeds down and insulate roots and provide less need for watering in the hot and dry season.

Selective Logging

Each timber sale is a customized package of services designed to meet the goals, objectives, and desires of the landowner while striving to obtain the maximum sale price for his or her timber. By design, a selective harvest protects and promotes additional growth on the best trees, increasing the value of future trees.

For all your tree care & maintenance needs